Audio Bibles and Bible Stories

MegaVoice Audio Cloud

A searchable database of thousands of Scripture audio files for use on MegaVoice solar powered audio players.

Visit their website here.

Global Recordings Network

Audio recordings designed for evangelism and basic Bible teaching to bring the Gospel message to people who are not literate or are from oral cultures, particularly unreached people groups.

Visit their website here.

Faith Comes By Hearing

Faith Comes By Hearing provides audio Scriptures in over 1,600 languages. Most are supplied with text, and over 900 now have Lumo Gospel films.

Visit their website here.

Search their Recordings Database of audio, video and/or text in various languages.

Visit their Recordings Database here.

Free audio Bible downloads are available in various languages.

Visit their MP3 Downloads page here.

Faith Comes By Hearing produces the app, which also includes the JESUS Film in over 1,900 languages and dialects.

Bible Storying

Online audio Bible stories in 160 languages, collected from One Story and Story Runners.

Visit their website here.

YouVersion Bible App and Website

YouVersion has the largest collection of digital Bibles and New Testaments – in over 1,750 languages. Many are also in audio form or accompanied by films, including the JESUS Film and Lumo Gospels.

Visit their website here.

ScriptureEarth Resources

ScriptureEarth is the most comprehensive public index of available Scriptures, providing links to material from YouVersion, Faith Comes By Hearing, Global.Bible, The JESUS Film Project, Global Recordings Network, and many others, as well as hosting Scripture in a range of formats for print or other distribution.

Visit their website here.

New Neighbour Bible

New Neighbour Bible has a narrower focus on more recent migration, helping churches understand the wide range of languages spoken by people arriving in Europe from other nations, and provides links to Bibles and Bible stories available in those languages.

Visit their website here.

Mission Assist

Mission Assist is working to digitize translated Scriptures, as well as providing other practical, academic and administrative services.

Visit their website here.

Find A Bible

Find A Bible is a web directory providing links to Bible and biblical resources in the 7000+ languages of the world.

Visit their website here.

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