Islamic Jihad or the Love of Jesus (Episode 3) – Bahasa Indonesian Animated Film

People Group: Indonesian
Language: Bahasa Indonesian
Country: Indonesia

Category: Mini-Film/Social Media

Edi is a Christian. He sat in fifth grade elementary school. One day he came home from school crying, because his school friends made fun of him and called him a kafir. This often happens in the world of children. Maybe your child is one of them. Calling his friend infidel, or conversely your child who is called a kafir. As parents and religious people – both Muslims and Christians – how do we deal with that?

Edi adalah seorang Kristen. Dia duduk di kelas lima sekolah dasar. Suatu hari dia pulang dari sekolah sambil menangis, karena teman-teman sekolahnya mengolok-olok dia dan memanggilnya kafir. Hal ini sering terjadi dalam dunia anak-anak. Mungkin anak Anda salah satu diantaranya. Memanggil temannya kafir, atau sebaliknya anak Anda yang dipanggil kafir. Sebagai orang tua dan umat beragama – baik Islam maupun Kristen – bagaimana sikap kita menghadapi hal tersebut?

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